Headed to Greece!
The tickets are purchased, the bags are packed, the presentation is (almost) ready... I'm about to head to Athens, Greece to present at...
Made it: Second Round of Product(dot)Relevance challenge
I just found out that one of my proposals made it to the second round of Silicon Valley Creates' Product(dot)Relevance challenge. In...
Grant Received
Very excited to announce that I received a grant from the Center for Cultural Innovation. The NextGen Arts Grants Program grant will go...
W(ork)I(n)P(rogress): Accumulated Disintegration
In collaboration with Lighting & Media Designer Matthew Johns, I have begun serious work to get Accumulated Disintegration moving towards...
Kermesse: Site Dance in Development
I am developing a site-specific dance procession ritual for Mills College to activate under-utilized and forgotten sites around the...